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Cookie policy was created by The Psychological Defense Agency. This website uses cookies. This website does not process any personal data.

A cookie is a small text file that is stored locally on your device. Cookies are used on many websites to facilitate certain functionality. The information in a cookie file can also be used to trace user behavior on the website.

Cookies on this website

Information about cookies

MPF_COOKIES_ACCEPTED is a cookie that allows the pop-up window containing information about cookies to be hidden for users that have already given their consent.

Website analytics

The Psychological Defense Agency uses the analytics tool Matomo to get a sense of how users navigate this website. The following cookies on allow that functionality.

  • mtm_cookie_consent is used by Matomo to maintain a record of the user allowing cookies.
  • _pk_id is used to store a unique ID for the user.
  • _pk_ses is used to store temporary information about the current session.

The information created by these cookies gives The Psychological Defense Agency the option to evaluate user behaviors on, to find ways to improve the content, navigation, and structure of the site.